The plan did not go to scheme because there were other
activities going on at Ibbisons Court. I think the workshops went mostly as we
expected apart from there was a few difficulties when we interacting with the
children as they were doing other task set from last week. There were other
activities taking place, which did cause distraction to the children. They also
had to make choices, which children find hard at the best of times. On
further projects would be better to dedicated workshop with nothing else on.
Challenging thing was to stick to the lesson plan because
other things were going on which made it hard to this. Workshop three I decided
to have a plan inform plan so we could be more flexible with the children let
direct the project.
We had also design a back-up plan in case the
weather was bad and we could not take the children out to take the
photographs in the area. We plan to do the memoires drawing and writing in
workshop three if need be would brought this activity forward. The weather wasn’t
the best it was spitting of rain and dull but we did manage to get the group in
the gap it clear it.
The team and their roles/ responsibilities
three artists involved in the project are:
Dolphin a Landscape and photograph artist, people management/ organisation (communicating
with participants regarding workshop and shop.
Elys Kent mix media artist Promotion /
marketing for the project
Daykin mix media artist Venue management