Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Information for the blog for Library an Culture Shop (unit 2 part C/D)

Memory Lane

Three artists from the Alchemy Gold Arts Award worked with the Arts and Crafts Group from Ibbison Court Community Centre in Revoe to create the Memory Lane Culture Shops display. They worked with the group members to take photographs in Revoe of all the things that represented the area for them. The group that came out to take the photographs mainly comprised of children aged 6 years to 10 years old. They took the pictures and the artists used the resulting photographs to create a collage celebrating the Revoe area. Disposable cameras were used for the project, replicating an old fashioned/dated way of taking photographs. Snap shots in time were taken of places the children had memories of including the library, their primary school, the park, shops and for some their own houses. The artists took as their inspiration the style of traditional post cards of Blackpool creating images as if reflecting memories over time. Some members of the Arts and Crafts group also wrote down their memories of places in Revoe and these also feature in the window.

The three artists involved in the project are Nikki Dolphin a Landscape and photograph artist and Elys Kent and Rebecca Daykin both of whom are mix media artists. Whilst using the girls creative skills, the final piece of photographic artwork on display can be said to be by the community for the community 

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