Digital Camera
The story behind this question:
Karen (my photograph specialist) set the seed for
me asking this question because she missing out in the arts due to people not
willing to paid for a professional photographer only for big event like a
wedding or family portrait which current where she get paid. Karen said she would love to be paid for the
photograph which she like doing. She has had some commissions to do photograph
for example punk festivals where these were shown in shop windows. People think they can just take as good
photographs so why would they pay for a professional
create this questionnaire to see how other people felt and to see if this was
the case.
My view are in blue
Do you own a digital
camera? If so what kind? Yes, I own camera, I have Nikon
you feel you have the ability to create a professional photograph?
Not at the minute, I am currently
learning the techniques but feel would take a lot practise becoming a
professional photographer
you take photographs on a smart phone, Ipad or other device other than a
digital camera?
Yes I do, I take a lot snap shots on my htc
phone and on ipod when I do not have my camera on me.
If yes, would you say
they are as good as a digital camera?
not as good as digital camera but
I do think that smart phone are easier to use and create a photograph with different effect can be
applied insanely without the need off Photoshop.
Do think smart phones
and other technology impact on people's willingness to pay for professional
I think new technology always throw a challenge up
for anyone. I think it will have a strong impact on people paying professional
photographer because a lot people believe with their smart can take a very good
photo why do I need a professional. I still think people will pay someone big
events like wedding and babies, family portraits. I feel smart phone does all
the hard would for someone, it auto correct and can insanely do effect.
Programs like Instagram can instantly
make your photograph look better but I still think nowhere near a professional
Would you consider getting a professional photographer to take photographs for
an event? If yes, what type of events would you invest in paying for a
professional photographer? Would you take photographs yourself for an important
occasion or celebration?
I would get a professional to a big event like a
wedding. If I had more money I would defiantly get professional photographer to
more events.
I personality think an important event need
documenting professional So I would get someone to take these important
Form and communicate a view
- What is the future for professional photographers in a digital age?
My E-mails to college and University
Hello my name is Nikki Dolphin.
I am a keen photographer and Landscape artist based in the local area of Blackpool and Wyre. I have recently started doing a Gold Arts Award with a group of young artists. I am doing a research project as part of my portfolio about the future of professional photography in the digital age. I am trying to find out some information as part of my research and want to know if you could help me by answering a couple of questions that I have written below:
Is there still an interest in photography courses?
Have you seen a drop in numbers of people taking photography courses at your college in the last ten years or the last 5 years? If yes, why do you think this is? If no, why do you think photography courses remain popular at your college?
I would be grateful if you send me this information in way of supporting my research project.
Thank you for your time. I am happy to share the results of my study with you if this is something you would be interested in. Please let me know.
Thanks again
N. Dolphin
Email Reponses from college and University
1st |
From : Lakes College West Cumbria
Hi Nikki
My name is Julie Lewis and I am the Programme Area Manager which covers Art.
We are a small college and usually offer art as a general topic – allowing students to specialise in different disciplines such as photography, graphics etc…
This year the college offered photography as a separate option, which proved positive.
This year we are offering a specialist photography pathway in photography at Level 2 and Level 3
The numbers are still predicted to be low – but we believe that is because of the area we live in- we are planning 18 students in total – which is comparable to a mixed art & design class
I think photography remains an interest as it is constantly developing and there are different options within i.e. fine art photography, fashion, links with journalism as well as personal interest as a ‘hobby’
The range of cameras that are available now makes the subject more accessible also
Hope this helps
I would like to know the outcome of your research and if we can help further – please let us know
Good Luck, Julie
Dear Nicola
Unfortunately we cannot help you with your enquiry as the University of Manchester does not offer a photography course.
I would advise speaking to MMU.
Kind wishes,
Hello Nikki
in answer to your questions -
1 Yes there is still a big enough interest in photography courses
2 Our student numbers have increased year on year [tenfold in eight years from 6 to 60]
3 the reasons are clear [from student feedback]. We still have a traditional darkroom here at Myerscough where students from FE [14-16 Schools], Extended Diploma, and HE [Foundation Degree Location Photography] all agree that the techniques learned in the darkroom have enhanced their digital skills considerably which has in turn increased their 'employability'. Industry skills learned on our highly vocational courses have also helped student progression into the photographic industry.
Hope this helps answer your questions
Brett Aspinall
Course Leader FdA Location Photography
Myerscough College