In session two, we got examples and tips on writing a pitch. Below is my written example which I read out to the group the following week whilst being filmed. This was a nightmare for me. One I hate being recorded on video and my other pet hate is speaking to large groups. I completely messed up my first attempt due to being the first upand being worried about it all week. I really worked myself up about it. I am currently practising this technique to friends and family. I have found this method very useful for job interviews and also meeting other similar artists to make networking easier.
My Elevator Pitch:
“Hello my name is Nikki Dolphin. I am a keen photographer and landscape artist. I am a very creative person and I enjoyed my three years at the University, where I gained a Fine Art and Information and Technology Degree. Since completing my degree I have achieve a level 3 qualification in hairdressing, where I decided to channel my creativity into hair design as well as, I hoped, giving me employment.
I’m exploring ways to use my art degree and broaden my experience. I like to find novel ways to explain the value of art to people. I have worked with many artists from different areas with various skills. I’m keen to learn new skills and take on challenges.
I believe many people do not understand the importance of art as a way of developing independent thinking and learning how people respond to ideas. Art is an exciting way to express who we are and what we are feeling showing other points of view.
Thank you for your time, here is my card with my details on, (Do you have a business card?). I am happy to answer any questions you may have about me or my artwork.”
The traits of leadership – we learnt different leaderships skills in session 3, 4 and 5 to help with team building
The Action Centred Leadership model - also known as the John Adair model. Three overlapping circles, 1. Achieve the task, 2. Build and maintain team and 3. Develop the individual. Adair’s theory shows that leadership can be taught and skills are transferable. Ideally you need a balance of all three elements because without one element the team becomes weak.
In session 5, we considered team building skills. The large group split into two groups and were set two tasks to complete. The idea behind this was each of us going into different roles to explain each element of Belbin’s role model. Our first task was to get a tennis ball across to other side using only a selection of materials which included a broom, string, sellotape, etc. The second task was to build a paper bridge only using sellotape and newspaper which all team members had to go under.
After these tasks were complete we discussed our roles within the group. My group came up with 4 roles for myself:
· Shaper – dynamic and thrives under pressure jumps hurdles with determination
· Implementer- reliable and efficient
· Team worker- good listener and good co-operator
I was quite surprised with the chosen roles but on reflection of the tasks I think these were roles I undertook. I think it is very interesting looking at roles in relation to my arts award. I could develop these skills so that I become a good leader or team player within the different units. This could help me develop my art leadership skills for the future by using different roles which in the past i have not found the need to use.
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